This blog will serve as the headquarters for all updates, news, and information regarding the release of the HYBRID TRAILING CUP. Any updates or information that I receive from manufacturers and suppliers will be posted here. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, post them here. I absolutely can't wait to make a cup personalized just for you, I cannot wait to see these cups all anodized and lined up on my table with your logo on it. This has been one of the most exciting projects I have taken on. I love that it has given me the chance to talk fabrication, welding, and design with other people who share the same passion as mine.
You are probably used to thinking of your cup as a consumable, well those days are gone. Say goodbye to broken cups, burned up screens, limited argon coverage, and extra lines. This cup does not break, and does not arc of the screens.
This cup offers an argon coverage zone of 1.2 inches from the tungsten to the back of the cup. This means you can go approximately an extra 3/4" before having to stop your weld. This means less restarts, less argon spent on postflow, and less time spent waiting on your postflow.
The math for a tube with a 3" diameter breaks down like this
3 X 3.14 = 9.42" of weld per joint
9.42 / 1.2 = 7.85" (this means7 restarts per weld joint with 0.12" of restart)
this leaves 0.85" of restart zone dived by 7 welds meaning you can get around a 3" tube with only 7 welds (or less depending on how long you like your restart zone) and only 0.12" of restart per weld
If we use this same equation for a common industry standard cup the math will break down like this
3 X 3.14 = 9.42" of weld per joint
9.42 / 0.46" = 20.47" this means that if you wanted to get around the entire weld joint without the weld exiting the argon coverage zone it would take 20 passes!
We have decreased the number of restarts per weld joint by more than half! when you start multiplying that by the number of weld joints in a build (this is a great piece for all of you pie cut guys) we are talking a huge savings in time and argon!
The HYBRID TRAILING CUP works great when welding reactive metals on a positioner, all without the hassle of having to assemble and de-assemble an extra argon line. This means no more forgetting to turn your argon on/off and more lines getting caught on sub-assemblies of your part.
I really aimed to make the best TIG welding cup on the market, a cup that saves time, does not break, does not arc off of the screen, and offers the coverage of a trailing shield without the hassle of extra lines. I really look forward to seeing how many cool projects this will help with. I love all the people that this cup has given me the chance to talk with, discuss ideas, see projects, talk welding, fabrication, and design. I live vicariously through my work and I absolutely love getting the chance to work with other people who love welding and design as much as I do. Let's make something cool together!